Day 1: Getting to destination, settle down and start enjoying your climbing holidays.
Day 2: Having an easy start with lots of easy routes for warming up the body and getting used to tufa climbing. While you will be enjoying climbing I will access your strengths and weaknesses so we can decide what we will be working on during the following week. In the evening we will be discussing your goals for this week and your climbing future.
Day 3: Climbing on overhanging routes. Concentrating more on on-sight climbing technique and mental training – discuss how to approach for on sight: visualization, preparation, analysis, learning where to clip and rest, learn commitment, and reading the route.
Day 4: Climbing on overhang routes with tufas and stalactites, learning overhang technique.We will put more focus on technique - ˝tufa climbing” with kneebars, no hand rest, heel or toe hook and focus on redpoint climbing with mental training.
Day 5: Rest is part of training so we might take one as well. Not necessary for having a full rest day, we might still do some running and yoga sessions in the morning and swimming or easy climbing in the afternoon. It also depends on the group and their needs and wishes. One of the rest day activities is ONE HAND climbing and climbing WITHOUT HANDS, toprope of course. These skills are great to learn how to be efficient and improve your climbing technique for harder routes, and also having FUN as well.
Day 6: “A Vista” or On Sight. Get as high as possible on harder routes and send some cool lines. Learning how to read the crux when totally pumped and get the most out of it.
Day 7: Climbing A Muerte - harder routes or fixing problems we had in onsight attempts. Learning to do one more move that we think we can do! Working progress in projects and mental training-visualization, breathing technique and posture and learning relaxing on the wall.
Day 8: If there is still some power and time left we can simply go climbing and put into use what we learned in the last week. Or maybe do another try in your new project, up to you